Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 40

Week 40
9/3/2012 - 9/9/2012
Milestones: It's due date day.  Ken and I celebrated by sleeping in, relocating to the couch for the majority of the day (football season!!!), and then heading to one of our favorite restaurants for possibly our last nice dinner as just the two of us.  Although, if I make it to 41 weeks, then I think I'm entitled to another nice date night!
Size of Meatball: As far as I'm concerned, she's big enough and ready to come out.
Baby Position: Head down and looooow.  I have the most awesome waddle happening these days.  At my last appointment her head was transverse, but I can still feel her shifting around down there.  She keeps trying to shove her butt out the top right side of my belly.  Or maybe she's just mooning us.
Labor Signs: Infrequent (but persistent) contractions, lower back pain, and a bitchiness that I haven't exuded since my teenage PMS days.  I'm super fun to be around right now.
Exercise: Walking, bouncing on the birth ball, and yes, even some swimming.
Weight gain: I don't know.  Somewhere around 35 pounds.
Other random crap:
Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions these days.  My apologies for the salty tone.  See "Labor Signs" above.
  • Yes, I'm still pregnant.
  • No, I don't mind getting texts & emails. (I actually love that my friends are thinking of me, but I'm sorry if I don't respond.  I'm either really busy or really lazy - it totally depends on the day.)
  • No, I have not scheduled an induction. (Seriously people, I just now hit my due date.  As much as I would love for her to arrive right now, I'm not going to evict her for my own convenience.)
  • Yes, home birth is safe.  Yes, I will have medical professionals attending the birth (my midwives are very qualified).  No, I won't be receiving pain medication.  But thankyouverymuch for the series of horrific birth stories that you insist on telling me.  Those are helpful, really.
  • Yes, I'm quite sure there's only one in there.
  • No, I still can't tolerate coffee or chicken.
  • I plan on taking off 8-12 weeks.  But I'm not sure yet, as it really depends on how the birth goes, baby's health, my recovery, etc.
  • No, we still don't have a name picked out.  But based on your reaction last time I told you our ideas, I certainly wouldn't tell you even if we have decided on a name.
And then my favorite...
  • WHAT???  Our life is going to change?  Why didn't somebody tell me this like 9 months ago?!?  That's it.  I change my mind.  Make the baby go away.


Unknown said...

You look ready to go - hang in there, and when it happens (maybe now? :) ) congratulations!

hattiehiatt said...

I am right there with you, 38 weeks and a few days. Your last post seemed the most poignant to me. You are going to have a great birth! Thanks for sharing this time of your life. I really enjoyed checking up on your progress.