Thursday, August 27, 2009


Imagine my surprise when I looked to see what my Week 18 is supposed to be like (I've only been looking about 1 or 2 days ahead)...and it's filled with rest and recovery! The plan has an Olympic distance triathlon scheduled for Sunday, but since I'm doing H2C, I still get to "taper". Only 4-6 hours of training, plus the event. Freakin awesome!

So, starting tomorrow, this is what I'll be doing for around 30 hours.
Nike Hood to Coast Relay, "the MOTHER of all relays"
I have Leg 9 (which is really legs 9, 21, and 33). For a total of 19.61 miles. With my measly peasly running mileage lately, I predict that this may hurt a bit. Stay tuned for my "race report" on Sunday or Monday...

Oh, and here is my Week 18 photo. I've gained THREE stupid pounds. In one week? I think PMS might have something to do with this one. Even I don't eat THAT much.

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