Thursday, May 7, 2009

Days 2-4 of Week 2 Base Phase

I woke up late and had to swim at lunch. Only to discover that I had forgotten my swimsuit. So I swapped the Tuesday and Thursday workouts...which means that I have to swim on Friday to avoid having 2 long swim sessions in a row.

Bike: 6:15pm, 00:30:00, 7.20 miles
Trainer ride.

Transition to run: 00:01:46

Run: 6:17pm, 00:13:56, 1.20 miles
This felt really great. Until about 1 mile into it and I almost pooped myself. Whoa! Mad dash back to the house (thank goodness I was running loops around the neighborhood). Apparently peanut M&Ms are not a good fueling strategy for me.


Early morning workouts.

Swim: 5:15am, 00:48:41, 2100 meters
300m WU
8 x 50m drills
16 x 25m @ 10sec rest
1 x 400m @ 20sec rest
16 x 25m @ 10sec rest
200m CD
Total = 2100m
I cut out a set of "8 x 50m drills" due to time. Those take so stinkin long.

Run: 06:30am, 00:31:37, 2.82 miles
Jon's girlfriend, Jessica, joined me for the run this morning. I had a really great time. "Great" and "run" are rarely used in the same discussion for me, so this made me happy.


Too many margaritas and too little sleep last night. Ugh.

Bike: 7:30pm, 00:30:00, 6.81 miles
High rpm session on the trainer. Keeping it above 100rpm is really difficult, but I kept it above 95rpm for most of the time.

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