After over a week of nothing but sunny sunny weather here in the PacNW, I have built quite the set of tanlines. I'm going to have the most f'd up looking back in my wedding dress. I've put up quite the fight against Mr. Sunshine, what with the SPF 50-75 going on every 45 minutes or so. But to no avail. I have no less than 5 different sets of tri-top lines on my back/shoulders. And about 3-4 sets of shorts lines on my thighs. Thankfully, I've altered my HR monitor between the right and left wrist, so that's still good. Oh, and it's still only May!
Onto more important issues, like our fabulous open water swim and run this morning:
Swim: 10:00am, 00:38:43, 1500m (estimate)
Fun open water swim at Klineline north of Vancouver. There were maybe 10 of us. It was pretty warm and I ended up taking my wetsuit off and going back in in just my swimsuit. The best part of the workout was the handstand contest and somersaults. I could play in the water all day long!
Onto more important issues, like our fabulous open water swim and run this morning:
Swim: 10:00am, 00:38:43, 1500m (estimate)
Fun open water swim at Klineline north of Vancouver. There were maybe 10 of us. It was pretty warm and I ended up taking my wetsuit off and going back in in just my swimsuit. The best part of the workout was the handstand contest and somersaults. I could play in the water all day long!
A few of the crew getting out of the water and ready for the run.
Run: 11:00am, 01:00:05, 5 miles
Nadine and I ran together along the trail next to the lake and Salmon Creek. It was HOT! We took 2 walking breaks to get down gels and water, but pushed through the rest of it. It's going to take a few workouts to get used to summer training again.
Nadine and I after the run.
1 comment:
Sounds like a beautiful training day! Way to go!
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